Ison's Approach to Earth; Ancient Technologies Destroyed
"That there were certain technologies that were buried underground or in the caverns that
the U.S. military and intelligence have known about for some time and this is also not
confined only to the U.S. military intelligence or military branch. It is information that
many Western powers have and there has been a race, if you will, to claim these
technologies, these weapons, for the purpose of ensuring that they who have claimed
them will be able to retrofit them, figure them out and thus use them, giving them
superior power over their opponents. This is the reason why these certain technologies and weapons and vessels that were recovered were taken back to the United States and in particular Fort Worth. They have been stored there but it is not simply storage, it was an active pursuit of retrofitting the technologies of those ancient times so they could be accessed and used now.
They were warned by those of the Galactic Federation that this was not to be tolerated. They were warned that if they were to proceed, actions would be taken. They chose not to take seriously these claims, for there was a prevalent opinion at this time that as the Galactic Federation practice a non-interference policy, they would not take any actions and that it was but a bluff. It was not a bluff on this occasion, for it was seen and known by the Galactic Federation ones that if the United States military was allowed to proceed with their retrofitting program that they could indeed take control with advanced technologies that were not fitted for them, designed for them at this time."
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