Saturday, 15 September 2012

Brazil UFO, July 2011- EXPLAIN THIS ONE! MSM Reports, Multiple Witnesse...


Don't Blink! Teleporting Super Powers Caught on Surveillance Camera


DIY Laundry Soap 20 cents a gallon!

You can go just as far as you want....

How to Make Natural, Homemade Deodorant

I love this! Great alternative to all the "chemical deodorants"!


a Divine Breath Form QiGong Exercise/Practice/Maintenance Program for Body, Soul & Mind....

STEP ONE: In loose and comfortable clothes, or none at all (in the privacy of your own home or hotel room is recommended if the latter) and while sitting in crossed-legged (Lotus) position or comfortable in a chair with arm or back support and feet flat on the g

round, begin below the roots (i.e, your feet) by grounding your energy into the Earth with a deep, lower belly hum reaching deep into the feet. Allow yourself to ground this energy and begin to rise it up the legs into the base of the spine. Take a few long,deep, slowwwwwww breaths (aka belly breaths).

STEP TWO: After a few repetitions and when it begins to "feel" right in your body, begin to rise the energy up into the base of the spine of the Root Chakra and visualize the associated color of Red. Take a long, deep, SLOWWWW breath into the base of your spine and as you exhale, create the sound of the first chakra with "Rhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmm" (sounds like "mom" =) until you reach the end of the breath.

Breath in long, deep and SLOW while visualizing the next level up exhaling the sound associated with each color at their respective levels (see chart and visual references below). Imagine the energy rising and shifting into the next, like liquid light changing colors as it rises through your body. When you come to the Crown Chakra, begin to emanate all those various ranges of light into a singular field of color of WHITE (this is what we call "crowning") and extend this energy out of the top of the head into the Higher Level Chakras (8+) into the Universe and connect them to the Universal Consciousness Grid around the Earth.

8th/Higher/White: AhhhOhhm (start down there at the root. =)
7th/Crown/Violet: Ohm 6th/Third Eye/Indigo: Shahm
5th/Throat/Blue: Yahm
4th/Heart/Green: Hahm
3th/Solar Plexis/Yellow: Lahm
2rd/Sacral/Orange: Vahm
1st/Root/Red: Rahmmmm (yup, start here and work your way up)

Complete each cycle from root all the way to crown (and beyond) with one breath at a time. By the way, one breath = one inhale AND one exhale is one full breath. One full breath what we call a "Rep" for the purposes of this practice. A completion of one set of 8 Reps from Root to Crown completes one "Cycle".

STEP THREE: At the end of each Cycle come back into your natural breath and rest for 1-3 minutes before beginning again. The purpose of this rest is to allow the energies to integrate, open up, clear out energetic obstacles, and connect you to your Higher Self/Consciousness. Repeat as many Cycles as you feel necessary in the current sitting (see safety note below*). A minimum of 3-5 cycles will suffice, but 5-7 much better, and anything over 9-10, prepare to blast off!

STEP FOUR: Have fun! Practice is at least 1-3 times a week, and watch/see/feel/hear/be what opens up! Keep me posted on any thoughts or questions that come up.

in service of love within all light, Pheonyx

BONUS! PINEAL GLAND CLEARING MODIFICATION: To clear and de-calcify the pineal glad, focus on the 6th Chakra with the sound of "Eeeeeeehh" (sounds like "bee') as many times as it "feels" right in moment with long, SLOW deep-belly breathing. Then visualize your Third Eye opening up as things begin to fall away. Important Note: DO NOT actively engage (i.e, with your mind) the other chakras when working with the pineal gland in this particular exercise. It won't hurt you if you do, it just a bit less effective. Remember, where the mind goes, the Energy flows. The pineal gland will engage the others on its own when it's ready. So, just keep the focus on the Third when sounding, and pay attention to the Flow without judging it. =)

*IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTE: Please perform this exercise while either sitting or lying down. For your own safety, please DO NOT do this exercise standing until you have practiced it extensively and have begun to work with the energies. Depending on the being, the energies that get open up can affect your physical stability at first while things begin to move internally. If the energies become too overwhelming, simply lie down either on you back (you may have to get out of their chair for this, mind you), or for you yogi's out there, come into child pose on the floor. Then just take some long, deep SLOOOWWWWW breaths while drawing your Awareness (and the Energies) down into the Earth.
 Love and light wonderful beings out there...

Bella simbiosis.....

Bella simbiosis > >
Cuando estos aborígenes se encuentran un bebé perdido sin madre (de otra especie), lo adoptan y estos huérfanos viven y crecer con ellos como uno de sus hijos, son parte de la familia.

Lets get out and really live , now......

Flu Shots - Who wants "dogcells" injected.....?

Flu Shots Are Made From WHAT??? -
You may not want to know how flu shots are produced. Even worse may be how some new production methods are ready to come to a syringe near you. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny describes how the shots are produc

Each one of us is responsible for the whole of humankind

"Each one of us is responsible for the whole of humankind. We need to think of each other as brothers and sisters and to be concerned for each other's welfare. Rather than work solely to acquire wealth, we need to do something meaningful, something directed seriously towards the welfare of humanity as a whole."

~ Dalai Lama

Friday, 14 September 2012

Wonderful meditation music!

In endless love and light to all of you beautiful souls out there!

New Powerful David Icke Interview - Bewusst.TV June 18, 2012 Germany!

Health benefits of pumpkin....

Don't drown dolphins voices!

Underwater seismic testing uses airgun blasts that can be heard under the waves for thousands of miles, and dolphins can't escape.

The U.S. Department of the Interior is proposing seismic testing in the Atlantic.

Sign the petition:

“It’s one of these things that you have to plan almost in secret, because as soon as you say you’re going to change over from the dollar to something else, you’re going to be targeted,” says Ministry of Peace founder Dr James Thring.

“It’s one of these things that you have to plan almost in secret, because as soon as you say you’re going to change over from the dollar to something else, you’re going to be targeted,” says Ministry of Peace founder Dr James Thring. “There were two conferences on this, in 1986 and 2000, organized by Gaddafi. Everybody was interested, most countries in Africa were keen.”

U.N. to let Iraq sell oil for euros, not dollars

Foreign Exchange: Saddam Turns His Back on Greenbacks,9171,998512,00.html#ixzz26O7g4HTn

Iran ready to be paid in gold, national currencies for oil

There is no such thing as humane slaughter!

This is a calf who is only a few weeks old and is already about to be slaughtered. Here, he's about to receive a blow to his head that will "hopefully" knock him unconscious so he won't go through the slaughter process millions just like him go through while still fully conscious. This calf gave his last breath before he could ever taste his mother's

milk, which he was denied just so YOU can instead DRINK HIS MILK and consume DAIRY PRODUCTS that are made with the milk he was meant to drink.
And if you think this only happens on factory farms and buying "humane" (aka organic/grass-fed/free-range) from ''local'' farms is the solution, it is NOT. The whole "humane" nonsense is nothing but a silly MARKETING gimmick where the goal is to still KEEP YOU THE CONSUMER. It's a meaningless label to make YOU feel better and ethical, while nothing changes for the animals. Hear the truth from former dairy and beef farmers and cattle ranchers:

Animal Protein -- Meat and Dairy -- Cause Cancer!!!

Very interesting!! Go vegan!! Love and light everybody!

Why your feet hurt....

Why Your Feet Hurt
It’s probably due to one of these ailments. Here’s how to treat them. For serious pain, see a podiatrist or a podiatric surgeon.

1. Plantar Fasciitis
Feels like: A sharp pain in your heel (or heels) that’s at its worst when you get out of bed.

What causes it: Inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot from the heel to the toes. People with all arch types―high, medium, or low―can be prone to this type of irritation, says Carly Robbins, a podiatric surgeon in Columbus, Ohio. Wearing shoes with very flat or very high heels can worsen the problem. “If a shoe doesn’t support the arch, the fascia will be stretched, and that can cause inflammation,” says Robbins. And if your Achilles tendon often feels tight, it can exacerbate the issue.

Treatment strategies:
Wear structured shoes. Look for pairs that support the arches and enclose the heels. Avoid going barefoot or wearing ballet flats or flip-flops.Stretch your Achilles tendons in the morning. “The plantar fascia is in a relaxed position when you’re sleeping,” says Jacqueline Sutera, a podiatric surgeon in New York City. “Then it gets a jolt of tension when you put weight on it.” Before hopping out of bed, wrap a towel or a T-shirt around your feet and pull the toes back to stretch the tendons.

Reduce swelling. Fill a plastic bottle with water, freeze it, and roll it under your foot for a few minutes to soothe the pain.

Consider custom orthotics. A podiatrist can make inserts that are molded specifically for your feet, which will control their motion and decrease strain on the plantar fasciae when worn inside shoes.

2. Ingrown Toenail
Feels like: A throbbing sensation, usually on the side of a big toe. It might look red and swollen.

What causes it: This often occurs when the nail edge grows sideways into the skin of the toe. The pressure on the nail jabs into the surrounding skincausing discomfort. Wearing shoes that are too tight or too narrow can exacerbate the problem. Cutting toenails incorrectly can also be a culprit.

Treatment strategies:
Wear pointy-toed shoes infrequently. And if you’ll be walking a lot, carry them and wear shoes with roomy toe boxes until you reach your destination.
Keep feet well moisturized. When the skin on your toes gets inflamed, a callus can develop, causing more pressure on the ingrown nail. Keeping skin soft helps alleviate this problem.
Cut toenails straight across. And don’t file the corners down. If you get pedicures, be sure the technician follows these rules.
See a podiatrist if you suspect infection. Signs include significant swelling and redness. “Don’t try any bathroom surgery,” says Robbins. “Digging around the nail and trying to cut out the ingrown part can lead to more irritation.” 
3. Bursitis
Feels like: A bump, usually on the back of a heel.

What causes it: “This condition can occur when you have a genetically enlarged heel bone,” says Marlene Reid, a podiatric surgeon in Naperville, Illinois. “It’s often called ‘pump bump’ because the bone can become irritated from wearing a shoe like a pump with a stiff back.” When the unforgiving shoe rubs against the bone, you can inflame the bursa, the protective sac of fluid in the tissue.

Treatment strategies:
Switch to shoes with open backs (or at least with more give) until the irritation subsides.
Use a donut pad. Try Dr. Scholl’s Foam Ease Callus Cushions ($4.50 at drugstores). Place one over the bursa to alleviate pressure. At the end of the day, ice the area to soothe the inflammation.
Consider seeing a doctor. If the problem causes chronic pain, a podiatric surgeon can remove the bursa and the enlarged part of the heel bone.

4. Stress fracture
Feels like: A tender area, often on the front part of the foot, at the second or third metatarsal (the metatarsals are the long bones in the midfoot).

What causes it: Repetitive stress on a bone, like walking or running on hard surfaces, especially in shoes that aren’t designed to absorb shocks. “Every summer, I see fractures in women who walk the city sidewalks all day in flip-flops,” says Sutera. High heels can also make you more susceptible to stress fractures, because the heel’s tilt distributes your weight over your foot unevenly.

Treatment strategies:
See a doctor no matter what. A podiatrist will give you a surgical shoe to wear as you heal (it has a hard bottom that doesn’t allow the affected bones to bend) or advise you to wear some other kind of rigid shoes.
Slow down. Stress fractures take four to eight weeks to heal. During that time, you’ll need to stop running and limit your walking to what’s absolutely necessary.

Prevent recurrences. Maintain a healthy weight and wear supportive, well-cushioned shoes.

5. Bunions
Feel like: Sensitive, protruding bumps, typically at the heads of the big-toe joints.

What causes them: Bunions are thought to be hereditary, and you can develop them if you have low arches or if you overpronate (your feet roll inward). “As the bump gets bigger, it’s actually your bone moving,” says Robbins. Wearing certain shoes―such as those with narrow, pointy toes and high heels―won’t cause bunions to form, but they can speed their progression. 
Treatment strategies:
Choose the right shoes. Specifically, pick pairs with a wide toe box and a low heel.
Try gel pads. Place them over the bunions to help cushion the areas and reduce pain.
Consider surgery. If your bunions continue to get worse, become very painful, or begin to affect your feet’s mobility, a podiatric surgeon can realign the joints and shave off the protruding bones.

6. Neuroma
Feels like: A shooting pain in the ball of the foot.

What causes it: Pressure on the nerve tissue in the underside of the foot, usually between two adjacent metatarsals. This pressure irritates the nerves, and the area swells. “Narrow, pointy shoes can put added pressure on an already irritated nerve,”

Treatment strategies:
Wear shoes with a wide toe box. And stick to those with low heels.
Employ anti-inflammatories. Take ibuprofen, or if that’s not enough, see a podiatrist and ask about a cortisone injection, which should bring down the swelling of the nerve immediately.
Consider surgery. For a stubborn neuroma that won’t go away with less invasive treatments, a doctor can use cryotreatment, a surgical technique in which a probe is inserted to eradicate the problem nerve.

First seen here:

The Real Reason for NATO Attacking Libya??

Some believe it is about protecting civilians, others say it is about oil, but some are convinced intervention in Libya is all about Gaddafi's plan to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold, a true sharing of the wealth.


The undercover report on how the new iPhone 5 is made......

The Undercover Report on How the New iPhone 5 is Made Inside Foxconn Factory » M.I.C. Gadget
A Chinese news agency, Shanghai Evening Post, has sent an experienced journalist to slip into the Foxconn Tai Yuan factory and pretended as a new worker, his mission is to find out how the new iPhone 5 is produced. The Chinese journalist precisely recorded his 10 days of working experience in the fa...

Honey and Cinnamon cures.....

SPINNING Accelerate your spiritual growth

For the world mirrors your own reflection.....

The only way to claim your beauty, your wealth, your health, and your love is to see it in others.

For the world mirrors your own reflection.

If you do not feel worthy and prosperous, you see that in your own reflection. It is important to address and see the magic of someone winning your lottery games.

Congratulate them energetically and send them love as they have energetically earned this monetary gift.

Pomegranate, the elixir of youth...

NASA discovers Hidden Portals in space between the Earth and the Sun (Ju...

Caves of Bamiyan

They are sadly all destroyed by now.....

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Spiritual Reality Power Of Meditation

Fantastic meditation lerning video! Endless light and love!

Lymphatic Drainage Massage (playlist)

This is great! Love and light everybody!

Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film}

If you haven't seen this one yet.....It's sure worth watching!!!!

Animal Rights. Gary Yourofsky.(with german subtitles)

This everybody should watch! Go vegan!! Love and light wonderful friends!

20 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

Baby food....

Preparing for Fall Equinox, 2012!

With the energies of your equinox will come a most powerful, settling, energy that will help you lock in and complete whatever integration processes you have begun, and so have already begun to act on through your own sovereign choice. The equinox energies, in other words, will join with your own to amplify and enhance every choice you have made to become more loving through your own volition! All of this energy added to your own will create a veritable vortex that will indeed become a gateway of sorts into a new “reality” that will be in alignment with the new paradigm of being you have been creating for yourself this summer!

Preparing for Fall Equinox, 2012! | The Galactic Free Press


Take a back road
to a place that is quiet
and where you are alone
and Listen

Listen carefully

Don't think
Forget about what's behind you
Forget about your worries and stresses
Clear your mind completely

And just Listen

And you will hear
the breeze brushing through
the leaves above

You will feel
the mist on your skin
the fingers of God
caressing Your face
and touching Your heart
and whispering to Your soul,
I made this for You

Please, please go vegan!!!

Yes, this type of cruelty actually occurs. Daily, in fact. Around the globe...
Ask AR activists why they devote so much of their time, attention, money, etc., fighting for non-human animals!

...This picture should say it all! Force-fed to be fattened up, with a hook through their jaws to keep them from moving during transport... Hideous! And no regard for that animal's life. They are merely
''commodities''. But no living being should be treated as a ''commodity''.

They are defenseless and voiceless (apart from their screams). It's AR activists who come to their defense, and give them a voice. YOU can be active too, and help end their suffering, by simply choosing to live an exploitation free lifestyle.


Please go vegan!!!!

''Anyone who isn’t vegan simply doesn’t comprehend what we’ve done to nonhumans – sentient beings just like us. They don’t get the language, the sentiment, the horror. And it is a horror. For we have taken everything from them: their homes, their children, their land, their families, their dignity, their joy, their sanity, their liberty, and their lives. Try telling that to your average meat eater, and watch them glaze over.'' (Sienna Blake)

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

“After Ascension, there will be no more death. Along the way you will obtain perfect health and re-grow missing limbs and organs. Not only will you overcome the effects common to aging, but those in advanced years gradually will become younger.”

Enya - Water shows the hidden heart (Art by Kagaya)

Endless love and light to all of you fantastic lightbeings out there!

Awakening - 2012 - A Message of Hope

General of all American Intelligence: 911 was a fraud!


Not only is it impossible for the plane to cut through the steel columns but it is absolutely impossible for the wing tips to cut through the columns.

What would have happened if a real plane hit the tower:

These videos of real crashes show just how delicate airplanes are:
Here is the best research on this The Complete History Of 911: who did it, why they did it and how they did it..



1990-2001 (gold market manipulation)

2001-2012 and beyond

~ Jeff Prager

Man Who Survives On Liquids And Sunlight

NASA To Study Man Who Survives On Liquids And Sunlight

one big surpermarket of
Delhi - Jun 30, 2003

An Indian man, who claims to have survived only on liquids and sunlight for eight years, has been invited by NASA to show them how he does it.

Hira Ratan Manek - also known as Hirachand - a 64-year-old mechanical engineer who lives in the southern state of Kerala, apparently started disliking food in 1992, the Hindustan Times newspaper reported.

In 1995, he went on a pilgrimage to the Himalayas and stopped eating completely on his return.

His wife, Vimla, said: "Every evening he looks at the sun for one hour without batting an eyelid. It is his main food. Occasionally he takes coffee, tea or some other liquid."

Last June, scientists from the US space agency verified that Manek spent 130 days surviving only on water, the report said.

They even named this subsistence on water and solar energy after him: The HRM (Hira Ratan Manek) Phenomenon.

Mr Manek is now in the US to show NASA's scientists how he survives without food.

The US space agency hopes to use the technique to solve food storage and preservation problems on its expeditions, the report said.

Mr Manek said he "eats through his eyes" in the evening, when the sun's ultraviolet rays are least harmful. He and his wife claim the technique is totally scientific. However, doctors warn that staring at the sun can make you blind.

His wife said: "He has a special taste for sun energy. He believes only 5 per cent of human brain cells are used by most people. The other 95 per cent can be activated through solar energy."

Remember, we are all affecting the world....

Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we're so deeply interconnected with one another. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and Being Love is the supreme creative act.

~ Ram Dass ♥

The Galactic free press......Ben Fulford....Japanese finance minister murdered...

People come into your life for a reason

Endless love and light wonderful souls out there...

The Revelation of the Pyramids


Are we giving kids too many drugs.....

20 million children are labeled with "mental disorders" that are based solely on a checklist of behaviors. There are no brain scans, x-rays, genetic or blood tests that can prove they are mentally ill, yet these children are prescribed dangerous and life-threatening psychiatric drugs. Child drugging is a $4.8 billion-a-year industry. ~~~ -Dr. Thomas Szasz , Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus at the Stae University of New York Health Science Center, Adjunct Scholar at the Cato Institute and a Lifetime Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He is the author of over 35 books including, “The Myth of Mental Illness”.


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Sacred Geometry

"Sacred Geometry, like nothing else I have ever seen, has the ability to inspire awe and awaken a very real experience of the world behind the curtain of creation."
-- Karen Prior

 The ancients believed that the experience of Sacred Geometry was essential to the education of the soul. They knew that these patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm and the subtle structure of awareness. To them the “sacred” had particular significance involving consciousness and the profound mystery of awareness… the ultimate sacred wonder. Sacred Geometry takes on another whole level of significance when grounded in the experience of self-awareness.

Andromeda Council.......Love and light beautiful beings....

2011 Human Car Imagine PS™ - ON BOARD TEST DRIVE w/ 3 launches

Eceti UFO -Spirituality and Frequency Shift Connections James Gilliland ...

It is soooo sad.......

Amazing Crop Circles - Look Closer

Antiperspirants and cancer.....

I am sure it is one of many causes of breast cancer......

Life is not measured by your successes.....

An icon of humanitarian product design...

An icon of humanitarian product design – is a small tube that houses some pretty impressive engineering. When water is drawn through the straw, the mechanism inside it purifies water from potential pathogens like typhoid, cholera, dysentery and diarrhea – all before it reaches your lips.

Monday, 10 September 2012

A Vision of the Fifth Dimension...........

                         In love and light beautiful souls out there....we are all one.....

The Cosmic Bridge......


You are the creators of earth by your emotional energy vibrations!

You are the creators of earth by your emotional energy vibrations!
What you focus on is the reality that is created! This is universal directive and law!
What we send out vibrationally is what is created on any level!
The only possible way to end the negativity of this world is to stop focusing on it!
Only see and hear good in the world! This is not a denial but a change of focus and perception!
What you focus on is!
What you do not focus on is not!
This is the basics of quantum creation.
It’s how you create!
Lets create "a dream come true"......
Love and endless joy my wonderful friends out there. Susannah

If you want to awaken all of humanity......

This is incredible - a simple solar oven makes salt water drinkable:

Quantum K Healing Part 2

Quantum K Healing Part 1of 2.

To all you wonderful interdimensional beings out there....Endless love and light! Susannah

Are You Awake Yet?

It is time to wake up!!! Love and light!

Children are pure.....

Who is the drug dealer?


"The truth is I feel humbled being vegan rather than superior to those who aren't. I have no cause to be self-righteous. There was a time when I ate animals and made excuses, and I feel grateful to be armed with knowledge and awareness and to be able to act on my values of compassion and kindness. Rather than feel morally superior to people who eat animals, I feel great sorrow for the animals who suffer and for the humans who inflict that suffering. If we keep this big picture in mind, we can create the compassionate world we all envision." ~ Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

Tim Robbins Speaks Out On Psychiatric Drugging of Children!

Wake up "self centered, super busy, hardworking" parents. The most important thing in your life is your children!!!