Saturday, 1 September 2012

A returning.......

Those who set up your world in the first place will soon return to your planet. They have found a way to penetrate the shield that the Cabal put in place to keep them out. When they arrive, your lives will change completely for the better. There will be no more fear, poverty, famine, or any of the other catastrophes brought about by the Cabal to keep you in fear and under control. You will taste f
reedom for the first time and the universe will be open to all of you. Once more, you will take your rightful place in the Family of Life. Your minds have been in prison also. All knowledge will be available and nothing will remain hidden. Have the courage to step into the Light. Come together with your fellow man. Say NO to the control which the Cabal wants to place on you and your loved ones. The changes are ready to begin. It is up to you now. The Cabal will create disasters to distract you and make you fearful. It is what they do, time after time. Do not fall for it, yet again. It is just the same old pattern once more.
~Montague Keen~     
Lots of love and endless light! Susannah

Time travel is not a matter of if we "belive" it exist or not's a matter of acceptance...

Andrew Basiago & Alfred Lambermont Webre discuss TIME TRAVEL

Do you believe everybody? Following "all" orders?

Compliance (Trailer)

Friday, 31 August 2012

Wake up.....

Feel inside and think with your heart.... you will wake up! Say yes to the truth and say yes to a life filled with love....and you will see what wonderful things will come your way...and change your life for ever for the better......Miracles will happen!

Wise words....from John Fire Lame Deer, Native Indian Chief

For all you wonderful souls out there. Lots of love and endless light! Susannah

For you health dear ones...

Vegan is still the answer......

A typical calf ranch in America, housing tens of thousands of calves. They are transferred as newborns and will stay in this confinement until they are old enough to be put in calf pens or transferred to feed yards or heifer facilities. The heifers will finish 'growing out' until they are old enough to go back to the dairy once again, and the steers are sold for human consumption. 
Please go vegan!!! In love and light Susannah

Aura Meanings

How to see auras


Edgar Cayce has said in his channelings, that Arcturus is one of the most advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy. It is a fifth dimensional civilization which, in reality, is like a prototype for Earth's future. It’s energy works with humanity as an emotional mental and spiritual healer. It is also an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth.
Love and light wonderful beings out there!

"Friend-Ship" A True Tale Of Repeated Alien Contact by Multiple Italy from 50'-70's....(Part 1 of 4.)



Ancient Human Giants* skulls, bones & real evidence* (NOT THE PHOTOSHOP HOAXES)

"Klaus Dona is an artifact researcher from Austria. During his work he discovered that there were quite a lot of archaeological findings that were hard to exp
lain. He came across some bones from Ecuador, and examinations by experts confirmed that they belonged to a 7.6 meter human giant" (Yes, 25 feet tall)

"Some of you might have watched several pictures, photos, on the internet of Giants, giant skeletons found in the desert in India, in China and other places. Most of those photos were competition photos to present Photoshop… perfectly done. But these photos I’m showing you now, they are definitely not coming out from a Photoshop competition. These photos are real skulls and skeletons. This skull was found into a tunnel system underground in Colombia. The skull is dated up to 11,000 years. The skull is bigger than a normal skull and the front teeth of the jaw are lined up in a different way than our teeth."

How to clean your whole house without nasty chemicals!

Found this and I love it!!

Deadly Teflon chemical - Decades of cover-ups

Deadly Teflon chemical - Decades of cover-ups

Love, love, love

When we start to expand our perspectives, we get to see a clearer picture of the world we live in. Appreciate what you got, share more than you can spare and love without a thought of receiving anything in return.
Love and light Susannah

Please go vegan.......

When we humans breast feed. We take care not to eat this and protect our children. But what all our milkproducts really contains doesn't intrest us at all......

Surprised? US Scientists Find That Chemotherapy Boosts Cancer Growth

Surprised? US Scientists Find That Chemotherapy Boosts Cancer Growth

Amnesty International is US State Department Propaganda

 I am disappointed...But not surprised....

Amnesty International is US State Department Propaganda

Maybe we are all coming from the one and only source.......Maybe we are all one.....

100,000 Angels by Bliss.......You are not alone......

For all you beautiful spirits out love and light Susannah

Good night, buenas noches, gute nacht, god natt, beautiful spirits out there! Lots of love and endless light! Susannah

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Health Insurance....

Save money and save your life with a real National Health Insurance Plan -
Alkaline your body and Extend your expiration date..

Klaus Dona : The Hidden History of the Human Race (March 2010)

 So interesting! I love it!

The beauty of today is in all the things.....

The beauty of today is in all the things : feeling the gentle breeze on your skin, the sunlight filtering through the clouds, the sound of the birds, the silence of no wind. You notice the in-and-out flow of your breath, the feeling of aliveness
inside your body. And then there is the beautiful stillness behind it all, which is deep within you. It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.

~Eckhart Tolle~     
Beautiful beings out there, I wish you a never ending happiness! In love and light Susannah

Father Carlos Crespi was a Silesian-monk who lived in Ecuador. He did missionary work among the Indian population in remote valleys during his lifetime. Crespi received or bought many artifacts from the indigenous people in Ecuador.

Father Carlos Crespi was a Silesian-monk who lived in Ecuador. He did missionary work among the Indian population in remote valleys during his lifetime. Crespi received or bought many artifacts from the indigenous people in Ecuador.


questioned, they told him they had found them in subterranean cave systems in the jungles. As time progressed, many of these relics were brought together and kept in the courtyard of the church Maria Auxiliadora. Unfortunately, many of the artifacts were destroyed in a fire in 1962. Also, many were lost or wound up with treasure hunters.

After Father Crespi passed away, the remaining artifacts of the original collection were removed and made inaccessible to the public. Some may still be stored in the cellar archive of the church Maria Auxiliadora. The age and origin of these items is still unknown today. Father Crespi never tried to classify them. The picture motifs are strange, their meaning not understood. The most well known pieces are tablets made of silver, gold foil or other alloys with unknown letters and mysterious symbols.

Ofcourse this fantastic "Non medicine hospital" has been closed........Big Pharma has seen to that.....:-(((

Remove heavy metals naturally....

Remove heavy metals naturally.
Onion (Bulb) Blue green algae, Garlic (clove )Bentonite (Clay ) Burdock (Root) Cilantro (Leaf and steam)

And here a Cilantro Pesto recipe for heavy metal removal
2 bunches cilantro
4 cloves garlic

1/4 cup almonds
1/4 cup sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds
juice of lemon
flaxseed oil
Himalayan Crystal Salt to taste

Detoxing is the answer......

A great page! Everything you want to know about detoxification! In love and light Susannah

This is scary......:-(

Do you anything about this? Read somewere that they have done it since many years in GB.......

I love recycling....:-)

Vegan is still the answer.......

 Found this on fb. This picture says it all.........Please go vegan!!!! And spread love and light!!!

''Gelatin is a translucent, colorless, odorless, and nearly tasteless substance that is made by prolonged boiling of skin, cartilage and bones from animals. It's made primarily from the stuff meat industries have left over - we're talking about pork skins and cattle bones.'' (Kimberly Anne)

The first "solar train tunnel".........

The project, known as the "Solar Tunnel", is the first of its kind in Europe in that it is the first time the railway infrastructure has been used to generate green energy. The €15.7 million ($21.5 million) project will supply 3300 MWh of e
lectricity annually, enough to power 4,000 trains.

High-efficiency solar panels — 16,000 of them, with a rating of 245W each — were turned on, on the roof of a high-speed rail tunnel in Antwerp, Belgium (all of which were supplied by JinkoSolar). The 3.6-kilometer (2.2-mile) tunnel was built to protect trains from falling trees as they pass through an ancient forest. The installation covers a total surface area of 50,000m² (538,000 ft2). The electricity produced by the installation will be used to power railway infrastructure, such as signals, lighting and the heating of stations. It will also power the trains using the Belgian rail network. The endeavor is estimated to reduce CO2 emissions by 2,400 tons per year.

Reflexology Chart for Hand Points

Naica Crystal Cave - Mexico .Part 1 of 5

So fantastic!!! What mother earth is showing us....Breathtaking!!!

We are all visitors....

Cure all illnesses in 3 minutes!!! Just as we can make ourselves sick we can make ourselves healthy!!!!

The Notion of a Divine Deadline

Very interesting read! Love and light!

The Notion of a Divine Deadline

All you wonderful spirits out there, isn't this beautiful? In love and light Susannah

"Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we're so deeply inner connected with one another. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is the supreme creative act." ♥ -Ram Dass     

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Hempcrete brick

Hempcrete brick.
made from hemp hurds, lime and water
as it cures it draws the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and petrifies the cellulose into stone. within so years it is solid as a rock. this building technique is at least 2000 years old

One of the most common misconceptions is that one must eat animal products, in order to get protein....

I found this in Internet!! So interesting!!! Go vegan everybody!!
One of the most
common misconceptions is that one must eat animal products, in order to get protein. If you are a vegetarian or a vegan, you're probably used to non-vegetarians asking you where do you get your protein on a plant based diet.
Amazingly, even if this myth has been debunked, many people still believe that they need animal protein.

People, especially athletes, are often told that they need enormous amounts of protein, in order to build muscles, which is a total myth. What they actually need is more calories, not tons of protein. I have friends who eat over 200-300 g protein a day, and that's very unhealthy. Too much protein intake can cause calcium loss and kidney problems, among others. Animal protein is highly acidic, so bone and muscle loss, as well as kidney problems, are very common among non-vegetarian athletes / bodybuilders.

Truth is, we only need 10% of our daily energy from protein, and over 25-30% can't be healthy, anyway. 10 to 25% is OK.

Most people probably don't know it yet, but it's hard not to get enough protein, no matter what diet you follow. Protein is in everything, even in fruits. If you follow nutrient rich diets, it's impossible not to get your protein. In fact, most of us who follow plant based diets get even more protein than recommended.
It's actually very easy to get your protein, as long as you get enough calories. Technically, there is no such thing as ''protein deficiency'', and protein intake can only be low if you don't get enough calories. If you get 1500-2000 to 3000-4000 calories a day, depending on how active you are, you will not get ''protein deficiency'', no matter what.

Most green leafy veggies have from 10-15% to 25-30% protein. Some greens have even more protein.

Stinging Nettles are one of the highest known sources of protein in a leafy green, and of superior quality than many other green leafy vegetables.
They contain on average 22% protein. The dried leaf of Nettle contains 40% protein.Brussels sprouts, watercress, kale, broccoli, Romaine lettuce and other types of lettuce, spinach, asparagus, collard greens, mustard greens, cauliflowers, parsley, okra, chicory, cilantro, alfalfa, etc. are some of the best protein sources among green leafy veggies. Not only they are great sources of protein, but they are also excellent sources of calcium. However, Stinging Nettles seem to have enormous amounts of calcium, compared to other greens. And it appears that 500 g of Stinging Nettles have 2405,0 mg of calcium (200%).

There are also some plant foods that are considered ''protein concentrates''.

''INCOMPLETE PROTEIN'' VS. ''COMPLETE PROTEIN'' -- One of the biggest lies that you've ever heard is that animal products are ''the only'' sources of ''complete protein''. Well, that's just another lie that comes from the meat, eggs and dairy industries. They've been promoting meat, eggs and dairy as ''the only'' sources of ''complete protein'' for years, and even many doctors and nutritionists still believe
this myth.

Did you know that quinoa, hemp and algae are ''complete protein'' sources too? So is soy, but I do not recommend soy products on a regular basis, as they can block nutrients absorption. Even amaranth and buckwheat are listed as ''complete protein'' sources, as they contain all 9 essential amino acids in the right amounts.

But the funny thing is, we don't need ''complete protein'', actually. Breaking down ''complete protein'' does more ''harm'' than good. The human body is supposed to combine by itself all amino acids from ''incomplete protein'' sources, required for protein synthesis. You don't even have to eat all essential amino acids at the same meal. Just make sure you eat a wide variety of fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, etc.

It seems like all plants have ''complete protein'', but I didn't know that when I wrote this, even though I did find it weird. So, the ''incomplete protein'' was just a myth, as there is no such thing as ''incomplete protein''.
You'll see that you can get over 100% of each essential amino acid by just increasing the quantity. And if you think that eating a lot of plant foods is bad, well, let me tell you that many animal products (eggs, for example), don't have enough of the essential amino acids per 100 g either, so you'd have to eat much more in order to get enough of all the essential amino acids, but the problem is, the more animal products you eat, the sicker you get. In other words, I'd rather eat a watermelon or 3 kilos of greens and potatoes than eating a lot of eggs or dairy. Meat may contain all the essential amino acids per 100 g, but that's because it has a lot of protein per 100 g - chicken has like 30 g of protein per 100 g, while eggs have only like 6 g of protein per egg. However, eating meat can lead to protein excess, which is so bad for your health. Eating lots of kg of fresh fruits and veggies, like other primates, is really the healthiest way to get good protein! Some people may prefer beans / legumes, grains, or seaweeds, as those are ''protein concentrates'' - they have so much more protein than fruits and veggies per 100 g, and many of them have even more protein than meats, eggs and dairy per 100 g. But, like I said, best sources of protein are fresh fruits and veggies - they also have the right amount of protein, so we wouldn't have to worry about protein excess if we ate only or mostly fresh fruits and veggies.

LYSINE - GOOD SOURCES -- Lysine is one of the most important amino acids, which plays an important role in calcium absorption and bone health.
Amaranth and legumes (beans, chickpeas, peas / green peas, lentils, etc.), as well as peanuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, fenugreek seeds and oats, are among the best sources of lysine. Other good sources are: watermelons; avocados; beets; potatoes; corn; spinach; asparagus; pumpkin seeds & squash; yams; cashews (not recommended); dried peaches; apricots; Brussels sprouts; oranges; pecans, etc. Pineapples, tomatoes, figs, apples, carrots, pears, iceberg lettuce, celery, broccoli, eggplant, dates, strawberries, blueberries, mangoes, papaya and mushrooms also contain lysine, but in much smaller amounts. Also, note that this list is incomplete, as there are more foods that contain lysine, but it would be impossible to write them all.

Make sure you eat foods rich in lysine on a regular basis!

PROTEIN - GOOD SOURCES -- Quinoa, nuts, seeds, legumes, amaranth, buckwheat, algae, mushrooms, and, of course, fruits and green leafy veggies, are
all excellent vegan friendly sources of high quality protein.
Animal protein, on the other hand, is low quality and used protein, that was meant for the body of the animal who was killed. Why ''filter'' your protein and other nutrients through others' bodies, when you can get them in their PUREST form, directly from the natural source?!

GO VEGAN - for the voiceless, for the planet and for your own health!

Dr. Quantum in Flatland

Different dimensions.....

We are all angels

We all embody and radiate Light. Meditate and open up for the Divine manifestation. Start to "think"with your heart. We are all Angel.

Alien Toy? All Attempts To Solve This Ancient Mystery - Failed -

Alien Toy? All Attempts To Solve This Ancient Mystery - Failed -

Canadian astronaut serching for life in caves.


8 year old boy remarkable friendship with a clan of marmots


The Spiral is known as an ancient symbol of evolution. One of the oldest symbols of human spirituality in existence, the spiral has been found carved into cave dwellings, rocks and tombs all over the world. It is said to symbolise the evolution of the universe, the never-ending cycles of growth, change and eternal life as well as the cycles of the seasons.

The spiral seems to tell a story

about the labyrinthine journey of life and death and speaks of the possibility of rebirth. Each loop of the spiral progresses us to a higher level, yet always returns us to the same place. It demonstrates life renewal by returning to the source.

Spirals are seen in all forms of nature. Shells, plants, galaxies and even human fingertips are just a few of the places that this simple design appears.

Many ancient stories and myths offer an explanation on the symbolic that lies within the spiral.

It's been said that the channels between the spirals represent the separation between life, death, and rebirth. The whorls seem to suggest ongoing circle of life, the creation and dissolution of the planet, the Alpha and the Omega.

Some give significance to the direction of the spirals. Clockwise spiral is said to be associated with power, independence, water and life in ascendancy. Counter clockwise represented life descending, returning and homecoming. Either direction, the spiral is not looked upon as negative, since even death brings new life.

The Spiral was said to represent the sun to the Celts, with a tightly wound clockwise spiral symbolising the fading winter sun, while a loose, counter clockwise spiral symbolised the summer sun. In Gaelic tradition, clockwise is seen as moving towards the sun and in harmony with the earth. To the Anasazi Indians, a clockwise Spiral was seen as the “correct or good path”, while the counter clockwise was seen as the “wrong or bad path”.
The Serpent in many cultures has also represented the Spiral. In recent years, one of the most common themes to appear in Crop Circles, it the Spiral symbol.

Using the Spiral during meditation and healing practises is said to be useful for elevating awareness. 
Love and light. Susannah

A wonderful Crop circle in Chalk Pit, near Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire, UK. Reported on the 2nd of August

A wonderful Crop circle in Chalk Pit, near Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire, UK. Reported on the 2nd of August.
I love spirals!!!!

Heaven on Earth....

Since I myself live in a place that is truly a paradise and met so many unhappy, negative and dissatisfied people here....I can only agree... it is a matter of choice. Because you can never escape from yourself. And in the end "If you can't feel happy within yourself and love yourself, you can live anywere in the world and it wont be better." Love and light beautiful beings!

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

How to meditate

Here, wonderful beings, as promised a "how to meditate" video.
It exists a longer version that you can watch in youtube aswell. In love and light. Susannah


I love him....He's a great actor!

Hover vehicle being tested for all terrain use!

This is cool!! :-)

Planetary alignment with the Giza Pyramids

A Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the Pyramids at Giza.
Night Sky in Giza, Egypt on December 3, 2012, local time … one hour before sunrise compared with the Pyramids at Giza.
Planets inline: Mercury / Venus / Saturn


ET on photo....Real or not? Does it matter?

A friend in Facebook put this in. And I must say I am sure we are not alone....By the way the orbs I have also been able to photograph in my garden. Specially after I've been meditating. Beautiful!
I received permission to release a photo from Stu, a trustworthy mate from Queensland Australia. Stu is a prospector with some incredible stories and has constant contact with Benevolent Entities. He was on a camping trip with his wife and teenage daughter when he took this photo and did not see or hear a craft or the entity. He captured the figure while he was photographing orbs in Queensland. He has mentioned aliens before in some of our conversations. Once he described being zapped (out of it for 3 days) by what he called "unseen aliens". Maybe he finally caught one!

Cannabis...Cancer cure?!

Wow! Why am I not surprised?! 

The US Govt has known since 1974 that Cannabis cures Cancer.
In '72 Richard Nixon wanted a larger budget for his war on drugs. He thought that if he proved Cannabis caused lung cancer like cigarettes do, he would get the support he needed. He gave the Medical College of Virginia 2 years to do a study on the effects of THC on the body. In '74 the study was completed. It turns out, THC when ingeste
in highly concentrated forms (such as eating Cannabis oil) will attack any mutated cells in your body while strengthening and rejuvenating the healthy cells. They found the PERFECT cure for Cancer. It worked fast, it worked well, it worked on many different forms of Cancer in ALL stages and it had ZERO harmful side effects. (Unlike Chemo which deteriorates your entire body and kills 1 in 5 patients. Not only that, but it dissolves ALL forms of tumors and can even combat superbugs like MRSA.) When Richard Nixon saw the results of the study he was FURIOUS. He threw the entire report in the trash and deemed the study classified. In 1976 President Gerald Ford put an end to all public cannabis research and granted exclusive research rights to major pharmaceutical companies, who set out — unsuccessfully — to develop synthetic forms of THC that would deliver all the medical benefits without the “high.”

We only found out about the study a few years ago thanks to dedicated medical and law professionals who filed Freedom of Information Requests. The Govt lied for many reasons.. One of the main reasons is Pharmaceutical Companies. They spend billions every year lobbying to keep Cannabis illegal because they make TRILLIONS off Cancer drugs and research. They are already well aware that Cannabis cures Cancer. (They cant legally patent a 15,000 year old plant) They have a great con going at the moment. Cancer patients and their loved ones will spend their entire life savings or even sell their houses and businesses in order to pay for Chemotherapy and other Cancer treatment drugs. Alot of the time they spend all that money and their loved one dies anyway. If the public found out that the Govt has been lying for over 40 years, that MILLIONS of lives could have been saved and that the dying could grow the cure they need in their backyard...

Dream Island.....

Wonderful spirits out there, I give you a beautiful Island....and wish you all a fantastic day filled with love!

Spiritual Awakening Symptoms....

 What also has to be mentioned are all the physical symptoms. Like headache, dizziness, joint pains and aches, heart palpitation and sleeping problems.

Do any of you beautiful beings out there have any Awakening symptoms?

I have lately only the need to sleep for a few not worrying any more about anything....I have the feeling I live more in "here and now".... What I also am really surprised about is that I am not hungry...and food doesn't interest me at all...I prefer fresh fruit juices and raw vegetables.....
Well the beautiful earth is changing and we are changing with it! In love and light!

Pray is talking to god and meditate is listening.....

Meditation is healing. It brings you back to source. It is a moment of love and it makes you focus on what really matters. It is pure lifepower. I try to do it 2-3 times a day. It is fantastic! If you don't do it already....please gives you sooo much...
I will put in more about it the next days...To guide you abit... And now my wonderful spirits out there it's time for me to sleep. Good night/ god natt/gute nacht/buenas noches!

Monday, 27 August 2012

Love and light everybody!

               And the world will be filled with love, peace and harmony....

The Original Writer of The Matrix and Terminator Wins 2.5 Billion Dollar Lawsuit

I think this is wonderful!!!

The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation

Dolores Cannon - Important Information 2012

I love this wonderful woman!!! She is a fantastic regressiontherapist who found a way to help people heal themselves! Absolutly remarkable! And through her clients she gets endless information for her books aswell. It is a "mindbending" experience reading her books. I can warmly recommend The Convoluted Universe Books. And I am so greatful to have had the pleasure of meeting her and make her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy Course!!! Love & light everybody!

Some alkaline foods....


This is something that is "known" for so long and no one has ever heard about it....Well, "we are what we eat"....So we should take much more care of what we are eating. How come we get so blinded by taste and looks of things? And the enormous trust....We are really naive, comfortable and blind....We should better take more responsibility of our own body. And feel the inside of the one with our body.
 Once I read :" The skin is the biggest organ the body has, so everything we are putting on the skin gets assimilated"....which means we are "eating" the creams!! I think that is interesting. So we should maybe consider putting only "edible" things on our skin....And by the way soaps and creams can make your body acidic as well.....Which makes me think of skin cancer.....I wonder if all this sunscreen creams are more acidic or alkaline...If they get tested on that...hmm...I doubt that.
Love and light wonderful spirits out there!

So beautiful written by Arthur Crow

"Nature is the poetry of Earth... thru metaphors we connect with the unseen wisdom and life-force in the trees... We understand ourselves in the reflection of a silent stream... and we grow upon the soil beneath our feet. The mountains spea
k of our immortality, as the winds caress our spirits with soft nurturing love and magick. Nature invites us into its vast dream of fragrant spiritual beauty, where we can enrich our senses and fulfill our lives with true substance and meaning. Open your eyes and awaken to the reality of nature’s lush splendor."

— Arthur Crow © 2012

The Secret Caves of Giza. (This is so interesting!! It is quite long, but absolutly worth watching)

Reincarnation proof....? For me there is no doubt about that we are reincarnating...But for many of you out there it may seem strange and unimaginable. Well, watch this and reflect. In love and light Susannah

Maybe an Angel.....

Found this in Facebook. Soo fantastic! Have to share it with you. The frequency is rising here on earth and in us aswell and with that change beings will appear  that many of us never thought existed. Maybe only in our dreams....
Denise Linn writes with the picture:

A photo of an angel? Maybe.

A dear friend of mine, who is a hospice nurse, passed this along to me. As one of her patients was getting close to passing over, the patient said that she was sensing someone in a secluded area of the room. She was given a small camera to try to capture what she was seeing. (She took this photo at night,)
When the film was developed, this is the photo that appeared. This is my photograph of the photograph. The original looks much, much clearer.
Again, there could be many things that account for this shot...but I choose to believe that this indeed this is a photo of an angel. 
We can always make a change! Everybody can make a difference! The only thing that stands in your way is your own believe, your mind....It is time to wake up and think with your heart! Lets join "hearts" and make a change to the better!!! Lots of love to you, beautiful beings!

A vegetarian future.....

This doesn't surprise me at all! It has to have an end. But of course earlier the better. Well I am vegan and I can only say.....Please go vegan!!!!! Better today than tomorrow before we used up even more water and killed more animals. It's time to change!!! Love and light!

Here some more info to the earthquakes. It seems to be the whole ring of fire that is very active right now!! Swarm of earthquakes rattled southern California

Swarm of earthquakes rattled southern California

Good morning all beautiful beings out there! Woke up and saw that they are having massive earthquakes along the cost of California and Central America! :-( Lets all send the area lots of love and strength! 8/27/2012 -- 7.4M earthquake Offshore of El Salvador -- Central America

Sunday, 26 August 2012

This is truly beautiful! And with this I wish you all, wonderful people out there, a good night/ God natt/ Buenas noches/Guten nacht! Lots of love! Susannah

We don't see things how they are, we see things how we are

Amazing sand sculptures...

Remember when you were a little kid making sand castles and right when you achieved perfection a giant wave crashed down and ruined everything?
Well, maybe if you had just gotten to finish what you started you would have ended up with something like these mesmerizing sand sculptures by Carl Jara.

Vegan is the answer.......

''Gelatin is a translucent, colorless, odorless, and nearly tasteless substance that is made by prolonged boiling of skin, cartilage and bones from animals. It's made primarily from the stuff meat industries have left over - we're talking about pork skins and cattle bones.'' (Kimberly Anne)

I love Aloe Vera....

It is the absolute best antiaging! I put the gel on my face after washing and before the dailyskincream every morning and in the evening, since 25 years. And I am sure it is not just my "genetic heritage" that makes me have so less wrinkles....I am sure Aloe is the answer. Love & light everyone.