a Divine Breath Form QiGong Exercise/Practice/
STEP ONE: In loose and comfortable clothes, or none at all (in the privacy of your own home or hotel room is recommended if the latter) and while sitting in crossed-legged (Lotus) position or comfortable in a chair with arm or back support and feet flat on the g
begin below the roots (i.e, your feet) by grounding your energy into
the Earth with a deep, lower belly hum reaching deep into the feet.
Allow yourself to ground this energy and begin to rise it up the legs
into the base of the spine. Take a few long,deep, slowwwwwww breaths
(aka belly breaths).
STEP TWO: After a few repetitions and when it begins to "feel" right in your body, begin to rise the energy up into the base of the spine of the Root Chakra and visualize the associated color of Red. Take a long, deep, SLOWWWW breath into the base of your spine and as you exhale, create the sound of the first chakra with "Rhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmm " (sounds like "mom" =) until you reach the end of the breath.
Breath in long, deep and SLOW while visualizing the next level up exhaling the sound associated with each color at their respective levels (see chart and visual references below). Imagine the energy rising and shifting into the next, like liquid light changing colors as it rises through your body. When you come to the Crown Chakra, begin to emanate all those various ranges of light into a singular field of color of WHITE (this is what we call "crowning") and extend this energy out of the top of the head into the Higher Level Chakras (8+) into the Universe and connect them to the Universal Consciousness Grid around the Earth.
8th/Higher/White: AhhhOhhm (start down there at the root. =)
7th/Crown/Violet: Ohm 6th/Third Eye/Indigo: Shahm
5th/Throat/Blue: Yahm
4th/Heart/Green: Hahm
3th/Solar Plexis/Yellow: Lahm
2rd/Sacral/Orange: Vahm
1st/Root/Red: Rahmmmm (yup, start here and work your way up)
Complete each cycle from root all the way to crown (and beyond) with one breath at a time. By the way, one breath = one inhale AND one exhale is one full breath. One full breath what we call a "Rep" for the purposes of this practice. A completion of one set of 8 Reps from Root to Crown completes one "Cycle".
STEP THREE: At the end of each Cycle come back into your natural breath and rest for 1-3 minutes before beginning again. The purpose of this rest is to allow the energies to integrate, open up, clear out energetic obstacles, and connect you to your Higher Self/Consciousness. Repeat as many Cycles as you feel necessary in the current sitting (see safety note below*). A minimum of 3-5 cycles will suffice, but 5-7 much better, and anything over 9-10, prepare to blast off!
STEP FOUR: Have fun! Practice is at least 1-3 times a week, and watch/see/feel/hear/be what opens up! Keep me posted on any thoughts or questions that come up.
in service of love within all light, Pheonyx
BONUS! PINEAL GLAND CLEARING MODIFICATION: To clear and de-calcify the pineal glad, focus on the 6th Chakra with the sound of "Eeeeeeehh" (sounds like "bee') as many times as it "feels" right in moment with long, SLOW deep-belly breathing. Then visualize your Third Eye opening up as things begin to fall away. Important Note: DO NOT actively engage (i.e, with your mind) the other chakras when working with the pineal gland in this particular exercise. It won't hurt you if you do, it just a bit less effective. Remember, where the mind goes, the Energy flows. The pineal gland will engage the others on its own when it's ready. So, just keep the focus on the Third when sounding, and pay attention to the Flow without judging it. =)
*IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTE: Please perform this exercise while either sitting or lying down. For your own safety, please DO NOT do this exercise standing until you have practiced it extensively and have begun to work with the energies. Depending on the being, the energies that get open up can affect your physical stability at first while things begin to move internally. If the energies become too overwhelming, simply lie down either on you back (you may have to get out of their chair for this, mind you), or for you yogi's out there, come into child pose on the floor. Then just take some long, deep SLOOOWWWWW breaths while drawing your Awareness (and the Energies) down into the Earth.
STEP TWO: After a few repetitions and when it begins to "feel" right in your body, begin to rise the energy up into the base of the spine of the Root Chakra and visualize the associated color of Red. Take a long, deep, SLOWWWW breath into the base of your spine and as you exhale, create the sound of the first chakra with "Rhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmm
Breath in long, deep and SLOW while visualizing the next level up exhaling the sound associated with each color at their respective levels (see chart and visual references below). Imagine the energy rising and shifting into the next, like liquid light changing colors as it rises through your body. When you come to the Crown Chakra, begin to emanate all those various ranges of light into a singular field of color of WHITE (this is what we call "crowning") and extend this energy out of the top of the head into the Higher Level Chakras (8+) into the Universe and connect them to the Universal Consciousness Grid around the Earth.
8th/Higher/White: AhhhOhhm (start down there at the root. =)
7th/Crown/Violet: Ohm 6th/Third Eye/Indigo: Shahm
5th/Throat/Blue: Yahm
4th/Heart/Green: Hahm
3th/Solar Plexis/Yellow: Lahm
2rd/Sacral/Orange: Vahm
1st/Root/Red: Rahmmmm (yup, start here and work your way up)
Complete each cycle from root all the way to crown (and beyond) with one breath at a time. By the way, one breath = one inhale AND one exhale is one full breath. One full breath what we call a "Rep" for the purposes of this practice. A completion of one set of 8 Reps from Root to Crown completes one "Cycle".
STEP THREE: At the end of each Cycle come back into your natural breath and rest for 1-3 minutes before beginning again. The purpose of this rest is to allow the energies to integrate, open up, clear out energetic obstacles, and connect you to your Higher Self/Consciousness. Repeat as many Cycles as you feel necessary in the current sitting (see safety note below*). A minimum of 3-5 cycles will suffice, but 5-7 much better, and anything over 9-10, prepare to blast off!
STEP FOUR: Have fun! Practice is at least 1-3 times a week, and watch/see/feel/hear/be what opens up! Keep me posted on any thoughts or questions that come up.
in service of love within all light, Pheonyx
BONUS! PINEAL GLAND CLEARING MODIFICATION: To clear and de-calcify the pineal glad, focus on the 6th Chakra with the sound of "Eeeeeeehh" (sounds like "bee') as many times as it "feels" right in moment with long, SLOW deep-belly breathing. Then visualize your Third Eye opening up as things begin to fall away. Important Note: DO NOT actively engage (i.e, with your mind) the other chakras when working with the pineal gland in this particular exercise. It won't hurt you if you do, it just a bit less effective. Remember, where the mind goes, the Energy flows. The pineal gland will engage the others on its own when it's ready. So, just keep the focus on the Third when sounding, and pay attention to the Flow without judging it. =)
*IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTE: Please perform this exercise while either sitting or lying down. For your own safety, please DO NOT do this exercise standing until you have practiced it extensively and have begun to work with the energies. Depending on the being, the energies that get open up can affect your physical stability at first while things begin to move internally. If the energies become too overwhelming, simply lie down either on you back (you may have to get out of their chair for this, mind you), or for you yogi's out there, come into child pose on the floor. Then just take some long, deep SLOOOWWWWW breaths while drawing your Awareness (and the Energies) down into the Earth.
Love and light wonderful beings out there...
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