Saturday, 1 September 2012

A returning.......

Those who set up your world in the first place will soon return to your planet. They have found a way to penetrate the shield that the Cabal put in place to keep them out. When they arrive, your lives will change completely for the better. There will be no more fear, poverty, famine, or any of the other catastrophes brought about by the Cabal to keep you in fear and under control. You will taste f
reedom for the first time and the universe will be open to all of you. Once more, you will take your rightful place in the Family of Life. Your minds have been in prison also. All knowledge will be available and nothing will remain hidden. Have the courage to step into the Light. Come together with your fellow man. Say NO to the control which the Cabal wants to place on you and your loved ones. The changes are ready to begin. It is up to you now. The Cabal will create disasters to distract you and make you fearful. It is what they do, time after time. Do not fall for it, yet again. It is just the same old pattern once more.
~Montague Keen~     
Lots of love and endless light! Susannah

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